Kamis, 29 Maret 2018

The Cause The Agency Can Tremble

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The Cause The Agency Can Tremble


Jakarta, Without any recognized most people would have experienced a trembling body, do not know because of fear, cold air or specific pain. But in fact many aspects that can cause a person's body to be shaking. Trembling is one action that is done without any intention, rather has the rhythm and movement of muscles involves the movement of oscillations from one side of the body to the side tubu different. All of these movements are unrecognized and can affect the hands, arms, head, face, tape and legs. But generally natural people tremble in the area of ​​the hands and feet. In some people, the tremor that lasts is a sign of a neurological abnormality. But in general,

shaking can also be faced by a healthy person. Although shaking does not terrorize the soul, it can be embarrassing for some people and makes it harder to do daily work such as writing, reading, holding and taking things. As taken from Medicinenet, Monday (22/3/2010) trembling is usually caused by a problem in the brain that regulates the muscles of all bodies or in some specific areas. Neurological circumstances that can lead to a shudder that is multiple sclerosis, stroke, traumatic brain injury and neurodegenerative diseases that affect the brain stem or cerebellum. Except for the impact of neurological aspects, there is also the cause of the body shaking different because of aspects of lifestyle, such as:


Emotions. Feeling nervous, afraid or anxious before doing suspenseful activities such as a job interview or public speech in advance can also result in a natural shaking of a momentary body.

Cold air. Cold air suddenly (extreme secra) or constantly also will make the body so shaken, this kind of thing is done in one of the efforts for the body feels warmer.

Taking specific drugs. When a drug intake such as amphetamines, corticosteroids or stimulants, generally result in a risk like trembling in the body.

Consume alcohol. A person who feels shaky after a certain amount of alcohol consumption, this kind of thing is one of the risks of withdrawal in alcohol.

Distonia. This is the medical meaning that shows abnormal contractions of the muscles that can cause tremors in all the bodies or just in specific areas such as the hands.


The trembling body can be classified based on how shaking it takes place, namely: 1. Shaking breaks or static. Trembling takes place when the limb muscles are enjoying and completely fighting against gravity, like when the hand is lying on the lap or when the person is silent. This type of shaking is often seen in patients with Parkinson's disease. 2. Tremble action. This trembling can take place on every member of the moving body, eg when the hand is outstretched, while writing or during muscle contraction. 3. Essential trembling. This trembling generally takes place slowly and not in the know cause of course. This shaking is generally light-shaped and does not provide any specific disease, but it affects the sufferer. Worries, stress, fatigue, caffeine or some medications can cause this essential shaking. If the trembling happens because of the lifestyle aspect, so one can avoid it as much as possible to avoid the situation or do prevent the aspect of the trigger. However, if due to neurological aspects so require self-care depends on the trigger. (ver / ir)

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The Cause of the Body Can Tremble Jakarta, Without realizing it everyone must have experienced a trembling body, either because of fear, cold air or certain pain. But there are many factors that can cause a person's body to tremble. Trembling is an act that is done accidentally, rather rhythmically and muscle movement involves the movement of oscillations from one part of the body to the other tubu.Semua these movements without realizing it and can affect the hands, arms, head, face, vocal cords and feet. But most people experience tremors in the area of ​​the hands and feet. In some people, the tremors that occur are a symptom of a neurological disorder. But in general, shaking can also be experienced by healthy people. Although shaking is not life-threatening, it can be embarrassing for some people and makes it more difficult to perform everyday tasks such as writing, reading, holding and taking things. As quoted from Medicinenet, trembling is generally caused by there are problems in the part of the brain that control the muscles of the whole body or in certain areas. Neurological conditions that can cause a person to tremble are multiple sclerosis, stroke, traumatic brain injury and neurodegenerative diseases affecting the brain stem or cerebellum. In addition to the influence of neurological factors , there are also other trembling causes caused by lifestyle factors, such as: Emotions. Feeling nervous, fearful or anxious before engaging in a stressful activity such as a job interview or public speech can also cause a person to experience temporary body shaking. Cold air. Exposed to cold air that suddenly (extreme secra) or continuously will make the body become trembling, this is done as an effort to feel warmer body. Consumption of certain drugs. If a person is taking medications such as amphetamines, corticosteroids or stimulants, they usually cause side effects such as trembling in the body. Consumption of alcohol. Someone feels shaky after consuming alcohol in a certain amount, this is one of the side effects of withdrawal of alcohol. Distonia. This is a medical term that shows abnormal contractions of muscles that can cause tremors throughout the body or only in certain areas such as hands. The trembling body can be grouped according to how shaking it occurs, namely: 1. Shaking breaks or static. Trembling occurs when the limb muscles are relaxed and completely opposed to gravity, such as when the hand is lying on the lap or when the person is silent. This type of shaking is often seen in patients with Parkinson's disease.2. Shaking action. This shaking can happen to every member of the body that is moving, for example when the hand is stretched, while writing or during muscle contraction.3. Essential trembling. This shaking usually occurs slowly and there is no known exact cause. This tremor is usually mild and does not indicate the presence of certain diseases, but disrupt the sufferer. Anxiety, stress, fatigue, caffeine or certain medications can cause this essential shaking. If the shaking is due to lifestyle factors, one can avoid it by avoiding the condition as much as possible or preventing the trigger factor. However, if the result of neurological factors then require individual treatment depends on the cause. (Ver / ir)

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Rabu, 07 Maret 2018

Harus Geschichte hinter dem "Hobby" Dieses 7-jährige Kind nimmt am Triathlon teil

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Harus Geschichte hinter dem "Hobby" Dieses 7-jährige Kind nimmt am Triathlon teil


Jakarta, nur 7 Jahre alt, aber Jake Vella hat den Triathlon verfolgt. Nicht nur Trends, Jake Triathlon ist getan, weil er schnell einsetzende Fettleibigkeit mit hypothalamischen Dysfunktion, Hypoventilation und autonome Dysregulation oder ROHHAD hat. ROHAD ist ein seltener und lebensbedrohlicher Zustand. Im Jahr 2015 wurde Jake mit ROHHAD diagnostiziert, wodurch er schnell an Gewicht zulegen konnte. Manchmal, für diejenigen, die nicht wissen, was Jake durchmacht, denken sie oft, dass Jake zu viel isst. In der Tat hat Jake eine gesunde Diät und Übung Routine angewendet. National Institute of Health (NIH) erwähnt die meisten Kinder erleben Symptome von ROHHAD in den ersten 10 Jahren des Lebens. Zu den Symptomen gehören drastische Gewichtszunahme, Kurzatmigkeit während des Schlafes, Verlangsamung des Herzschlags und Wachstumshormonmangel. Triathlon hilft Jake fit und aktiv zu bleiben. Dies ist gut für seine Gesundheit und gibt Jake die Möglichkeit, sich mit anderen Kindern zu treffen, sagen die Eltern Jake, Jouse und Maruska Vella sagte ABC News. Triathlon ist eine Aktivität, die drei Sportarten auf einmal kombiniert, nämlich Schwimmen, Radfahren und Laufen. Lesen Sie auch: Farhan Presenters Geschichte der Vorbereitung auf den Triathlon Während dieser Zeit ging Jake seine täglichen Aktivitäten durch, einschließlich des Gehens zur Schule und des Schlagzeugspielens. Jake muss jedoch vorsichtig sein, da gesundheitliche Probleme wie Grippe allein ein Komplikationsrisiko darstellen können. Erwähnt, Kinder mit ROHHAD haben ein erhöhtes Tumorrisiko. Bei Jake ist bekannt, dass er einen Tumor in seinem Rücken hat. Während des Triathlons ist Jake auch eine Inspiration für andere Athleten. Inmitten seines Kampfes mit ROHHAD versuchte Jake, seine Ausdauer mit einem Triathlon zu halten. Der Junge hat auch den Wunsch, die führenden Triathlon-Athleten Alistair und Jonathan Brownlee zu treffen. Es ist nur so, dass Jakes Zustand es ihm nicht erlaubt, zu weit zu gehen. Jakes Reisegeschichte wurde per Video auf Lovin Maltas Facebook-Account hochgeladen. Seit seiner Veröffentlichung am 14. März wurde das Video von Jake über 5,4 Millionen Mal angesehen und über 69.000 Mal verbreitet. Nicht weniger als 904 Internetnutzer kommentierten ebenfalls. Du bist Meister Jake. Sie waren eine Inspiration für uns alle. Gut gemacht. Ich denke, dass alle Kinder von Ihnen lernen sollten. Wir beten immer für dich ", schrieb Elmo Tenollar. Dann hofft ein Netizen namens Caroline Biniey, Gott möge den Jungen segnen, von dem er glaubt, dass er nur länger leben und das Leben genießen kann. Gib niemals auf und beweise dem Arzt, dass du leben kannst ein langes Leben und viel Spaß, schreibt Caroline.Lesen Sie auch: Inspirierend! Dieses Kind, das laufende Konkurrenz läuft, obwohl seine Augen nicht sehen können (rdn / vit)





Minggu, 04 Maret 2018

Video: alcuni errori che si fanno quando bambini febbre


Video: alcuni errori che si fanno quando bambini febbre


Jakarta, che genitori non si fanno prendere dal panico quando il loro bambino ha la febbre? Verranno sicuramente fatti diversi modi per rendere il bambino sano e allegro di nuovo. Ma affrontare una febbre infantile a volte non è così facile come immaginato. Quello che è stato creduto per essere vero nella società, non necessariamente appropriato dato dal lato medico. Ad esempio è quando per comprimere il bambino. Alcuni genitori sono abituati a dare impacchi caldi, mentre altri forniscono impacchi freddi con lo stesso scopo di abbassare la temperatura corporea del bambino. Se comprimiamo con acqua fredda, la temperatura aumenterà man mano che il corpo compenserà i brividi in modo che la febbre aumenti, Marlyn Cecilia Malonda SpA dall'ospedale Mayapada Tangerang. Leggi anche: Prevenire l'infezione, dovrebbe urinare dopo aver fatto l'amore?






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Quindi anche quando scegliere i vestiti. Anche se ci sono genitori che scelgono di fornire coperte spesse in bambini che sono febbrili, il dott. Marlyn incoraggia vestiti più larghi e comodi. Più comodo da indossare in modo che il processo di declino della febbre sia più ottimale, ha detto. Dettagli dettagliati sugli errori commessi dai genitori quando si può ascoltare la febbre infantile in questo video di Discussioni salutari:





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